Bukedea, Uganda – In an thrilling finale, Amus College emerged victorious in the FEASSA Boys Football championship, defeating St. Mary’s Kitende 1-0 in the final match held at Amus College Stadium on August 26, 2024.
The decisive goal came in the 48th minute when Abdulrazak scored, sending the Amus College team and fans into jubilation. This victory marks a historic moment for Amus College, crowning them the new champions of East African secondary school football.
Throughout the tournament, Amus College showcased their exceptional skills, triumphing over prominent schools, including Uganda’s defending champion St. Julian and Bukedea Comprehensive in the semifinals.
The FEASSA Games brought together top secondary schools from East Africa, competing in various sports disciplines. Amus College’s victory in the boys’ football championship solidifies their position as a force to be reckoned with in regional school sports.
Amus College team celebrates their victory in the FEASSA Boys Football championship. (Photo credit: [Insert name])