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UPC Condemns Ruthless Arrests of Anti-Corruption Protesters, Demands their Release 

Sharon Oyat Arach - Spokesperson of Uganda people's Congress (UPC)

Kampala, Uganda – The Uganda Peoples Congress (UPC) has strongly condemned the brutal arrest of youth who were peacefully demonstrating against corruption in the country, calling the manner of their arrest “ruthless” and “unacceptable”.

Addressing journalists today at the head offices in Kampala, the spokesperson Sharon Oyat Arach expressed deep concern over the government’s handling of the protests, which were organized to demand action against corruption.

“we condemn the manner in which the young people were arrested, there are acceptable ways of arresting citizens as opposed to the manhandling and ruthless arrests as witnessed on Tuesday.” Said Arach

Arach emphasized that peaceful demonstrations are constitutional and supported by law, and that the party supports the fight against corruption.

It’s upon the above background that she demanded for the unconditional release of all individuals who participated in yesterday’s March to Parliament and unlawfully arrested by the security operatives.

“UPC demands for unconditional release of all those arrested for peacefully demonstrating against corruption and we emphasize that those energies should be diverted to fight against the corrupt and not those against it.” She said

“We call upon the security organs and operatives to handle civilians in a professional and human manner.” She added

Arach also guided that the Office of the Inspectorate of Government and Parliament of Uganda must take urgent and effective action to address the issue of corruption which has become rampant before the eyes of all Ugandans. “We also call upon the government to suspend all individuals implicated in corruption scandal, pending investigations.This will show Ugandans that Government is serious in fighting against corruption.” She stated

The protests, which took place on July 23, were organized by youth who are demanding an end to corruption, which they say has undermined service delivery and affected marginalized communities.







Derrick Kanalo
the authorDerrick Kanalo
News Reporter/ Editor
Am a professionally trained and well skilled media personality. Accuracy is part of my top priority as a journalist.