The police in Mukono is investigating an incident of child stealing that happened on April 13th 2024, during morning hours in Kikuubo village, sonde zone in Mukono district.
Police say the incident was reported to the police station in Seeta by Mr. Kayongo Juma, aged 44, who notified the officers on duty of his mising son called Nsimbe Ahammed, aged 3 and a half years.
“According to the report filed by Mr. Kayongo, the child was left in the care of maids and a shamba boy. Tragically, the shamba boy, identified as Sserwadda Sulaiman, deceived the maids into believing that he had been instructed to take the child. Consequently, the child was handed over to Sulaiman, who subsequently disappeared with him. .” Said the KMP deputy spokesperson Luke owoyesigyire
Luke also disclosed that their police in Mukono Division Swiftly responded to the distressing situation where an extensive search was launched for both the missing child and the suspect.
“Through diligent efforts, the victim has been safely recovered from Mbale.” Said Luke
He also revealed that the maids who were involved in the incident Nabagala Joanitah aged 29 and Namutala Doreen aged 30, were promptly arrested and are currently in police custody.
He Additionally stated that, the suspect, Sserwadda Sulaiman, has been apprehended and is currently detained at Mbale Police Station pending transport to Seeta for further legal proceedings.
“Kampala Metropolitan Police would like to extend it’s deepest gratitude to all the officers involved in the swift resolution of this case , including members of the community who provided valuable assistance and information.” He stated