Monday, September 16, 2024
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Traders Unite to Protest Unfair Tax Regimes, Threaten Nationwide Strike

Kampala, Uganda – In a bold move, traders across Uganda have united to protest against the government’s unfair tax regimes and collections. The Federation of Uganda Traders Associations (FUTA) has announced a nationwide strike, set to begin on July 15th, unless their demands are met.

The leadership of FUTA, held a meeting today at Holiday Express Hotel in Kampala, where traders voted unanimously to close their shops nationwide if their concerns are not addressed. FUTA President John Kabanda addressed the meeting, expressing his frustration with the government’s failure to listen to their plight.

According to Kabanda, they’ve tried on several occasions to engage with the responsible government institutions like the Uganda Revenue Authority, but only to be ignored. “If President Museveni has failed, he should resign and leave fresh blood to come and take over leadership because he has on several occasions failed to solve our challenges; he only minds about milking us.”

Kabanda also criticized KACITA leaders for being hypocrites, knowing that the June 20th meeting with the President wouldn’t take place as planned but failing to inform traders. He emphasized that traders are low-income earners who cannot invest in industries due to high capital requirements.

The traders are demanding a fair tax system, one that takes into account their low capital and income. They are also calling for the establishment of industries to create employment opportunities and reduce reliance on imports. With their strike deadline looming, the traders are hopeful that the government will finally listen to their concerns and take action.

Derrick Kanalo
the authorDerrick Kanalo
News Reporter/ Editor
Am a professionally trained and well skilled media personality. Accuracy is part of my top priority as a journalist.