In the bid to reduce the high rate of unemployment in the country especially among the youths, the leadership of UPC has called on government to invest more in hands on skills projects for youths rather than just giving them money through its various initiatives like the Youth livelihood program.
According to the spokesperson of UPC Arach Oyat Sharon, the question of accelerating massive youth unemployment speaks to the country‘s failure to progress towards desired prosperity.
She also disclosed how the various initiated poverty eradication programs for the youths in the country, seem not to be playing any magic to its beneficiaries, urging government to immediately do something to address the challenge.
“UPC is appealing to government to fast-track programmes that directly alleviate unemployment. These include; apprenticeship programme, Jua -Kali support programme, national productivity center, elimination of child labour, school dropout programme, effective utilisation of youth labour force for wealth
As the country gears up for the International Labour Day On Wednesday 1st May 2024, Arach stressed that there is still need to advance the principles of equity, respect of rights, fairness and dignity of workers as well as access to resources at most of the work places across the country. “The workers are starved of labour, social and economic justice.” Arach said.
She added and said, many workers continue to be subjected to working for longer hours with low wages, working without personal protective gears, and taking months without pay among other conditions during time of service.
According to Arach, since majority of the employers are not very much comfortable with having workers who are members of trade unions, this has led to violation of worker’s rights by employers and neglect of their concerns or complaints. “This automatically slows down the morale of workers thus indirectly or directly affecting the productivity.” Said the spokesperson.
She however, urged the government and social partners to fulfill their obligations and ensure that all workers get justice at work. “Some have lost their lives in such circumstances.” She further disclosed.
Inregards to the industrial courts mandated to handles workers cases, the leadership of UPC called for more facilitation and staff so as to be very much efficient and effective with no backlog cases.
These say, if it’s fully adhered to this would meets the demands of the theme for International Labour Day, “improving access to labour justice; a prerequisite for increased productivity”.
This year’s International Labour Day will be celebrated at Mukabura Grounds in Fort Portal City under the theme, “improving access to labour justice; a prerequisite for increased productivity”.